A number which is not divisible by 2 is called an odd number. An odd number always ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. Examples of odd numbers: 51 , " 543 , 8765 , " 97 , 9 , etc. An odd number is always 1 more than (or 1 less than) an even number.
The "Norton Anthology," a mammoth book collecting stories, essays, poetry, and other writings from a wide range of authors (coming in many editions covering specific regions [e.g., "The Norton Anthology of American Literature"]), launched in 1962 and quickly became a staple of classrooms around the world.
In book publishing, an anthology is a collection of literary works chosen by the compiler; it may be a collection of plays, poems, short stories, songs, or excerpts by different authors.