series Title Directed by Written by Original air date UK viewers
9 1 " Castles in the Air " 🎉 Will Sinclair Paul Rutman & Gaby Chiappe 25 August 2013 ( ) 6.29
When a young woman, Lizzie Faulkner, is shot 🎉 late at night outside the holiday chalet where she and two friends are staying for the weekend, Vera and Joe 🎉 suspect that her murder is linked to poachers operating in nearby fields. They identify a suspect, Robert Doran, but despite 🎉 being in the vicinity at the time, he denies being responsible for Lizzie's murder. Vera begins to suspect the woman's 🎉 death may have been a case of mistaken identity, and that the intended victim may have been one of the 🎉 chalet designers, Corrine Franks, who was meant to have been staying there at the time. A link to a tragic 🎉 car accident a few months earlier involving Corrine, which led to an innocent woman losing her life, appears to confirm 🎉 their theory. When Corrine is later killed in a hit-and-run, the team finally get the breakthrough they have been looking 🎉 for.