The Kambi sportsbook brings online pace to the retail space. On-property players receive just the same speed, breadth of options ⭕️ and deep in-play options they do betting online, with players from Europe, to the US, to Asia, all benefiting from ⭕️ the Kambi retail experience.
A key component of our land-based offering is the Kambi kiosk, which has built a reputation for ⭕️ consistent player engagement in high-volume, terminal-based retail environments across the globe.
In the US, our kiosks have proved transformative to the ⭕️ manner which people choose to bet. With hundreds in operation across the country, they currently drive more than 80% of ⭕️ wagers at our partners’ casinos. The traditional casino sportsbook has not been conducive to the fast-paced nature of in-play betting, ⭕️ but through the Kambi kiosk casino patrons can now quickly get their bets down on the next three-pointer in basketball ⭕️ or result of current drive in NFL.
Elevating the casino floor
Furthermore, our unique Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) technology enables bettors ⭕️ to view lines and construct bets anywhere, before scanning them in at a kiosk or counter using a QR code ⭕️ – thereby keeping physical touchpoints to a minimum.
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